Just a few quick pictures from Oxford, which is about 20 minutes from Reading by train.
The last picture is a part of the Bodleian Library and the room where the parliment scenes in "Amazing Grace" were filmed.

He said, "How do you love me, how do you start?" I said I could start. "I know who you are," I told him, "because you are made in the image of God." We went on from there. -Francis Schaeffer (He is There and He is Not Silent)
Nice pics Sarah, thanks for posting them. Is that the same library that has a copy of all the books, or where Harry Potter was filmed? I'm curious to see more of that place.
Also, when I run my cursor over the pics, it seems as though they should open but won't (the pointer becomes a little hand). Is there some way you could toggle that on behind the scenes at blog central so we could see them larger when clicked on?
Thanks, and have fun at school!
That was me, I'm not sure why the first one says anonymous.
Hey Mr. B!
Yeah, that is the same place where Harry Potter was filmed. The Bodliean is one of Britain's five copyright libraries, which means that it gets a copy of every book published in Britain. Bodley gets over 5,000 new books each week. Some of them are stored in a salt mine a few hundred miles north of Oxford. Bodley also has an book system that involves conveyor belts and crates and moving books underground between buildings.
I'm working on the picture thing. I know it's possible.
Hi Sarah Beth.
We all miss you guys so so so much.
Thanks for the updates. Please keep them coming.
Love you all,
Miss Gail
Hello Sarah,
I am enjoying your blog. I love the photos. Makes me feel like I know a tiny bit of what is happening with your family.
We miss you very much,
Miss Darlene
You know your balance is picture perfect (no pun intended)... it looks like you used a tripod!
I hope you're doing well, and we all miss you bunches!
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